Wednesday, July 14, 2010

7/14 - The day the streak ended.

Date: 7/14/2010
Mileage: 0 -Zero, zip, nilch, nada.
July Mileage: 481
Partner: Disappointment

So Wednesdays tend to be my arch enemy. My work day started at 6:15am with a health assessment. Followed by meetings all day, in Honeyville, Utah, 90 miles away, followed by Young Mens, followed by the Grey Dogs ending at 10pm. Most Wednesdays are like this. Really. In my job I hear a lot of "I don't have time to exercise" which in my mind is an excuse. We all make choices. Anyway, today was my day. I was a little pissed at myself. When I started this journey I was glad I "banked" some miles early. Here is a withdrawal.

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