Monday, July 19, 2010

7/19/2010 am and pm time trial negative split in Salt Lake City, UT

Date: July 19, 2010
Distance: 43
July Distance: 616
Partner: Pain

MapMyRide - 7/19/2010 am and pm time trial negative split in Salt Lake City, UT

My goal Sunday night was to get up at 5am, get ready to ride out the door by 5:20, ride 40 miles home by 7:45am. Ummm..... Slept til 6:30, Melissa pats my back, "Get up, go ride" "OK." Think I hit snooze 17 times. First few were, "It's too dark" etc, etc. Later it was "Man, this feels way too good." Anyway out the door at 6:45, decide to gun for 20 miles make 21.5 in 1:12. Feel pretty good, except I am short, oh, 20 miles. Going to be a two a day. Go to work, yadda, yadda. Home from work at 5:15, no kids, no wife, no note, no phone answer, no text answer, clearly an invitation to get my next 20 miles in. So I think to myself, OK same route, but faster, a negative split, this time I have wind and heat to deal with. But I feel good, so I put on my "cycling face" as Samantha says and I go into time trial mode. Really it is 2 - 20 mile intervals with some hill repeats. Actually, a really good workout both in the am and the pm. And I went 2 mins faster in the afternoon. I'll take it. Home in time for FHE, Dinner, Typhoon at the Surf Shack and grocery shopping. A good day. Emigration Canyon tomorrow. I hope. If I get up.

1 comment:

The Photo Scrooge? said...

Did you get up? I didn't see you in the canyon.